Sunday, August 4, 2019

Holes - Welcome To Camp Greenlake...duh-duh-dum.

This term, in Room 19 we are reading HOLES by Louis Sachar.  It is about a boy called Stanley Yelnats who goes to Camp Greenlake, a Juvenile detention facility for young boys who have committed a crime.  However, Stanley is innocent.  It is an intriguing story.  Last week Room 19 worked very hard creating Welcome signs for Camp Greenlake.  They had to centre their lettering and many students added creative details to the signs too.  Would you want to go to Camp Greenlake?

Holes - Welcome To Camp Greenlake...duh-duh-dum.

This term, in Room 19 we are reading HOLES by Louis Sachar.  It is about a boy called Stanley Yelnats who goes to Camp Greenlake, a Juvenile...